Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence within machines programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving. The goals of AI include learning, reasoning, and perception. Weak AI tends to be simple and single-task oriented, while strong AI carries on tasks that are more complex and human-like.
This technology is much older than you might imagine. Believe it or not, mechanical men are present in Ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology.
In 1943, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pits proposed a model of artificial neurons, which is the first work recognized as AI. British mathematician, Alan Turing, pioneered machine learning in 1950. He published "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" which references a test (known as the Turing test) to check a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to human intelligence.
The “birth” of AI didn’t happen until the 50s when Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon created the first AI program dubbed, "Logic Theorist”. Shortly after, the term “Artificial Intelligence" was first adopted by American computer scientist John McCarthy and officially recognized as an academic field.
Computers became faster, cheaper, and more accessible between 1957 and 1974. Despite their success, computers’ inability to efficiently store or quickly process information created obstacles in the pursuit of AI for the next ten years.
In 1997, reigning chess World Champion and Grandmaster Gary Kasparov was defeated by IBM’s Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer program. The same year, speech recognition software developed by Dragon Systems was implemented on Windows. Cynthia Breazeal also developed Kismet, a robot who could recognize and display emotions.
AI is now part of our daily lives. There are AI solutions for quality control, video analytics, speech-to-text (natural language processing), and autonomous driving, as well as solutions in agriculture, education, healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, and entertainment. The concepts of deep learning, big data, and data science are commonplace. Amazon, Google and Tesla are just a few of the companies harnessing AI to create countless innovations
According to Statista, revenue from the AI software market worldwide is expected to reach 126 billion dollars by 2025. And Gartner reports 37% of organizations have implemented AI in some form. The percentage of enterprises utilizing AI grew 270% over the past four years.
AI, the brain behind of Tomestic’s Organic Living Book, is specifically designed to assist readers. As stated by Founder and CEO, Poet De'Medici, "Our AI is completely dedicated to enhancing learning retention and reading comprehension, thereby enabling readers to become smarter. It will not only generate an immersive experience and retain reader data, but its purpose is to also make us a company that can better serve our audience and adapt to its preferences."
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